Having had to work Saturday, I made sure that on Sunday I would get around the lanes of St-Clet to check the owls. The morning was pretty grey but I managed to locate one female Snowy Owl, who I call nervous Nora, because just does not seem to like being looked at. Today she was right by the road side on a pole, completely ignoring traffic. I used the tactic of following a passing car then easing over and sitting still for a while until she was calm. It only worked for a few minutes but I did manage a few photos and took some video with my new toy, a digital camcorder. When I passed later she was back on the pole so I stopped some distance away, to see how she would respond. Despite continuing to ignore moving traffic she eventually flew anyway, perhaps she's not nervous, just a fidget.
The video is a bit shaky, I didn't have time to use the window clamp, the range was about 70m or so, the squeak is me attracting her attention, something that generally only works once, then they ignore you.
I went back later in the day and Nora was way out in the fields, I also located a male, probably the lightly spotted one, and a female on a distant post. She was 200m plus away, I video'd her but the image is poor, however, she did respond to a squeak, which is pretty impressive at that range.
I also took a few more redpoll shots, you have been warned.