Great weather but where are the birds?
Clear blue skies with tolerable temperatures this weekend so far but very little bird activity around St-Clet. Even species like Snow Bunting and Lapland Longspur har proving scarce and the Snowy Owls are just keeping well out of the way. We still have a couple but they seem less inclined to approach the roadsides this year.
On a brighter note, a Great Grey Owl was at Boucherville a few days ago and now another couple have made their way to Hudson which is not too far from me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will get a chance to see and photograph one soon. If we have a mini invasion I might even get one on my pits list.
There is a definite feeling that spring is coming, I don't know whether working outdoors for 15 years gave me a subconcious empathy with the weather but I just get the feeling that we might see the grass a few weeks earlier this year. It would be nice, we have had record breaking levels of snowfall, over ten feet so far and more promised.
Enough waffle, a couple of poor photos below.

Clear blue skies with tolerable temperatures this weekend so far but very little bird activity around St-Clet. Even species like Snow Bunting and Lapland Longspur har proving scarce and the Snowy Owls are just keeping well out of the way. We still have a couple but they seem less inclined to approach the roadsides this year.
On a brighter note, a Great Grey Owl was at Boucherville a few days ago and now another couple have made their way to Hudson which is not too far from me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will get a chance to see and photograph one soon. If we have a mini invasion I might even get one on my pits list.
There is a definite feeling that spring is coming, I don't know whether working outdoors for 15 years gave me a subconcious empathy with the weather but I just get the feeling that we might see the grass a few weeks earlier this year. It would be nice, we have had record breaking levels of snowfall, over ten feet so far and more promised.
Enough waffle, a couple of poor photos below.

Through the wonders of digital photography this Snowy Owl perched high up on a grain silo becomes almost a record shot.